Random Thoughts

Welcome to my general musings and lessons learned in almost 52 years of life (yikes!) page.  Plus other random thoughts that aren't long enough for an entire post.  They will be short and sweet and occasionally a little spicy and sassy.

  • I'm a drugstore kind of girl living in a Sephora world (well, except for when it comes to anti-aging skincare!)
  • Never "answer the call of nature" with your phone in the back pocket of your jeans.  Just sayin'. However, see the related note on products I'm digging!
  • Remember, Facebook is the highlight reel of people's lives.  Everyone has problems and issues they deal with but taking them to Jesus always brings HOPE and eases the burden you carry. 
  • Never sit by a gaggle of teenage girls in a movie.  Just sayin'.  Between the constant cellphone-checking, the musical chairs, the chitchat...it's enough to make me lose what's left of my mind!
  • Speaking of teenage girls...Parents - please teach your children to pick up their trash after a movie.  Seriously.  It's not the movie cleanup crew's job to do what your child is too lazy to do. Their job is to clean up naturally occurring messes like the popcorn that just misses your mouth, the popcorn that was spilled when your little (or your big) accidentally kicks the tub over, or the candy that goes flying out of the childproof cellophane bag when you finally manage to rip said cellophane bag open with your teeth, etc.  This is a great opportunity to teach that all workers, no matter what job they are doing, deserve respect.
  • Pet Peeve #1 - when you are pouring milk over your cereal and it hits a flake and takes a bad bounce landing on the counter instead of your bowl!

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