Pass the Popcorn

Welcome to Pass the Popcorn Movie Reviews!  I'm not a professional "movie critic" (which may be a hidden blessing as I find that most of the time what I enjoy the critics generally pan) but I am a Christian mom and our family loves to go to the movies, so I thought I would pass on my thoughts on new movies keeping family-friendliness in mind. Movies are rated from Zero (don't bother!) - Five (don't miss!) Popcorn Kernels

These first ones (at the bottom) will be short and sweet as we saw the movies awhile ago (I am old and can't remember the details of my day yesterday, let alone movies from two+ weeks ago!):

  • Money Monster:  George Clooney and Julia Roberts team up again in this flick.  Though it's hard to knock that duo, this movie is not on the same playing field as Ocean's 11.  If you go in with slightly lower expectations, you won't be disappointed.  We all enjoyed the movie but I'm a numbers/finance chick (accountant by day, blogger by night) so I probably enjoyed it a tad more than my son and husband,  That being said, there's enough action and comedic lines for all audiences whether you're into numbers or not.  There is quite a bit of rough language so parents take note.  
  • Captain America:  Civil War - Wow!  This movie is the perfect blend of comedy and action. I would give it 5 popcorn kernels but it was a little slow in the beginning as the framework was being laid for the Civil War (necessary but slow.)  But once it gets going, put your seatbelts on and hang on for the ride! A general toss up for me between Ant-Man or Spiderman stealing the show. There're a few moments of bad language, but overall, a great show for the family.  
  • Mother's Day - What is the sign of true love?  When your husband takes you to a chick flick on Mother's Day!  This movie was just as good as Captain America:  Civil War - just a different genre, of course.  Honestly, we were pleasantly surprised.  Either there were a lot of husbands thinking like mine on Mother's Day or word of mouth on how good it was had spread.  We went to the 3:45 showing and it ended up selling out.  People in a row in front of us said they had tried to go to the 12:45 showing but it was already sold out when they tried to buy tickets. The movie provides a lot of laughs throughout the entire movie and the sure sign it was good? My husband said it kept his attention the entire time.  Yep, no mid-movie Zzzzzzzs from him! Buzz-worthy moment:  In one of the final scenes, Julie Roberts appears in a hot pink, short-length (but not skimpy) dress and her LONNNGGG legs still look fabulous!  The audience literally started murmuring to the point where I thought "They have to be talking about what I am thinking!"  To note:  There's probably some mild language (nothing stands out in my memory), some adult humor, and a lesbian couple.      
  • Hardcore Henry - By now, this one is in the $3.50 theater.  I wouldn't even waste a $1 from Redbox!  One of the worst movies I have ever seen.  It ranks at the bottom right along with The American (George Clooney), and Men Who Stare at Goats (ha, also featuring George Clooney.)  Don't waste your buck or more importantly, your time.  
  • The Jungle Book - Delightful for all ages.  We saw it in 3-D and it was one of the better ones I've seen as far as the 3-D effects go! 
  • Batman vs. Superman:  Dawn of Justice -  Good but still disappointing.  The last 1/3 of the movie was definitely the best part - time your breaks before this.  If the first 2/3 of the movie had been the same, I would have given it a higher review.  Ben Affleck as Batman - the jury is still out.  The movie was so disjointed, it was hard to form an opinion on whether I liked him in the role or not.
  • Zootopia - Another good one for all ages and probably the best animated movie since last summer's Inside Out. 
  • Whiskey Tango Foxtrot with Tina Fey - Definitely not Fey's best probably because it was more of a drama with a little bit of comedy thrown in as an afterthought.  Wait to stream it at home - with no kids around as it contains the motion picture ratings hat trick - language, sex, drinking/drugs or as they say "adult themes."
  • The Boss with Melissa McCarthy - I laughed, my husband snoozed through part of it if that tells you anything.  It won't win any awards but it's good for an afternoon matinee when you want something light.  Note - lots of bad language. 

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